
Fifth Edition of Swim to Fight Cancer in Eindhoven

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, hundreds of swimmers will dive into the open waters of De IJzeren Man for the fifth edition of Swim to Fight Cancer Eindhoven. This event, part of a national effort to raise funds for groundbreaking cancer research, promises to be a day full of hope, strength, and community spirit.

Swim to Fight Cancer is more than just a swimming event; it is a movement that brings together people of all ages with one common goal: to fight cancer. By swimming for those who are fighting, those who have fought, or those we have lost, participants deliver a powerful message of love, hope, and resilience.

The motivation of each swimmer is personal and deeply rooted, often driven by stories of loved ones. This year, participants are raising funds for Fight cancer, an organization dedicated to innovative cancer research and supporting patients and their families. Focusing on projects such as immunotherapy, improved fertility care for women with cancer, and personalized treatments, Fight cancer aims to make a difference in the lives of many.

Joost Reijns, Director at Fight Cancer Foundation, emphasizes the importance of early awareness and action: “Swim to Fight Cancer is a unique way to create awareness while simultaneously raising funds. The strength of these actions lies in bringing people together, promoting prevention, and stimulating cancer research. Together, we transform helplessness into strength.”

For more information on participation, registration, or donations, visit

About Fight cancer Foundation

With the motto ‘Love life. Fight cancer,’ the Fight cancer Foundation inspires action across the Netherlands. Through events like Swim to Fight Cancer, Walk & Dance to Fight Cancer, and many others, the foundation mobilizes support for essential cancer research and prevention. The funds raised are allocated through the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding) for scientific research, with the goal of achieving more cures and less cancer. Together, we are working towards a future where cancer is no longer a deadly disease.


For more information about this press release or the Fight cancer Foundation:

Local organization team:
Eric Nooijen,,  +31(0)6-11 728 728

Fight cancer Foundation:
Joost Reijns,,  +31(0)6 – 23 68 72 30


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